Saturday, April 24, 2010

Am broke my skin is terrible,how can i cure acne without seeing a dermatologist?

am an african teen, with the weather conditions in my country,which are very hot puberty was not interesting.i broke out with acne when i was just 12.i have tried lots and lots of products but all have failed. i need answers please,oh! did i mention my mother or i are not financially well so please just something that wiil be cheap and effective is all that i need. PLEASE HELP!!!

Am broke my skin is terrible,how can i cure acne without seeing a dermatologist?
Healthy diet, plenty of vitamins, 1.5- 2 litres of water per day. Steaming your face will help draw out the spots and therefore make them go away quicker.
Reply:Try the followin tips i found for u .do not use chemicals on skin. Follow these instructions and do let me know if they worked on your skin. i'm sure they will!

1. Put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.

2. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne.

3. Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent acne, pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

4. Place strawberry leaves on the acne, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling.

5. Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.

6. Another method is to massage the face with the skin of lemon before washing with lukewarm water.

7. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, %26amp; other skin infections.

8. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet. All acne home remedies should include a healthy diet.

9. A couple of garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times a day. One of the smellier acne home remedies!

10. Home face wash for acne: Mix together 1 or 2mls each of the following: witch hazel, tea-tree and sweet fennel essential oils, adding essential oil of geranium for women and essential oil of rosewood for men. Mix with 300mls of water. Shake before use, as the oils will float on top of the water during storage. Dab affected areas with cotton wool two or three times a day. The oils will clean and unclog giving antibiotic-like protection to the skin.

11. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.

12. Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.

13. Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. One of the best acne home remedies.

14. Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day.

15. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.

16. Nettle Tea is another solution, this tea has a herb that has some curing power and really helps work wonders on skin problems. Drink four cups a day to get the full benefit of one of the most powerful acne home remedies. Get nettle products here.

17. Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly speed up the healing of acne lesions. You can buy Aloe Vera at

18. Another lotion that uses bee propolis extract may also be effective. Mix eight ounces of water and 11 drops of bee propolis extract. One of the acne home remedies which has been proven effective with many people.

19. Some herbal acne home remedies...

Burdock leaf tea.

Lavender essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

Tincture of calendula flowers.

Tea tree essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

Liquefy cabbage leaves with witch hazel, strain and add two drops of lemon oil. Use as a lotion.

20. Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably less swollen. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

21. Take vitamin B5 and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin's resistance to acne.

22. Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

23. Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little bit in your hand and rub it on the pimples. Soak a face towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.

24. Blend cucumber and make a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This refreshes your skin and prevents acne.

25. Mix corn flour with egg white and apply on your face. Let is dry completely for 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water and massage your face and wash off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.

26. Mix sandalwood paste with rosewater and apply on the face. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

27. Essential oil face mask for acne: Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to make a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of the water in, to make a fluid yet balanced paste. Essential oils to add in the mask either separately or try smaller amounts together; cypress oil 1 drop, lemon oil 2 drops, sage oil 1 drop.

28. Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply of affected area. An eastern approach to acne home remedies.

29. Grind some nutmeg with milk and apply on affected area. Pimples disappear like magic without leaving a mark.

30. Make a mixture of lime juice and rose water. Apply on face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

31. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

32. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

33. Mix 1 tsps groundnut oil with 1 tspn fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

34. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots.

35. First wash face and then dab acne with cotton balls soaked in vinegar.

36. Mix groundnut oil with an equal amtount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, acne and pimples.

37. Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling acne, pimples.

38. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for acne, pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.

39. Apply ripe Tomatoes pulp on acne, pimples and kept upto 1 hour, then wash.

40. Make a paste of roasted %26amp; powdered pomgranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over acne, boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.

41. Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.

42. Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

43. Apply a paste of ground seasame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples.

44. Large pores on facial skin can be treated with paste of sandalwood powder with masoor dal.

45. Use an oatmeal or almond mask throughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with enough rose water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. This is very good in getting rid of blackheads.

46. A solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal remedy for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cottonwool. Pat on an astrigent.

47. Honey is a great remedy for skin blemishes and acne because the honey kills bacteria.

These are some effective home remedies for the treatment of acne and blackheads.

Sheltie/Jack Russel owners please help!?

I have a sheltie and jack russel mix. He has the personality of a sheltie at first then once he gets to know you he is pure jack russel. He has medium legnth hair (1inch long).

What i would like to know is if there is a certain time when these breeds shred worse . He is shedding something fierce right now and i dont know if it is something like skin condition or if this is normal for the breeds. I know all dog shed but i am able to pull clumps of hair out...not to the point where he is bald but still.

Is there any hope that this is only a summer time thing??

Sheltie/Jack Russel owners please help!?
He may be "blowing coat" which is seasonal. Use a shedding blade(availible at tack stores and pet shops) to help remove as much as you can. He will blow his coat in the spring and in the fall, it is triggered by longer and shorter light cycles, other times it should be less, but he will still shed.
Reply:Sorry, but jack russels shed all year, but are good dogs.
Reply:shedding is also dependant on the food you food - lower quality food = more shedding...

all foods from grocery store and Wal mart are junk - any food with "by-products" is also crap...
Reply:I'm a JRT owner. This works with my dogs and was recommended by fellow owners. Try Brewers Yeast tablets. You can get them at Petsmart or even in the pet section at Walmart. Put a tablet a day in their food. The coat quality should improve and shedding will be decreased dramatically. Good luck.
Reply:both shed really bad but a groomer can give a bath and full blowout and brush and that will get you started then brush teh dog for at least 1/2 hour everyday and do it in layers to get teh undercoat.

Has anyone used Palmer's Cocoa Butter Leg Gloss?

I have keratosis pilaris (which is a skin condition where you get red bumps, very ugly.) and Im looking for a way to cover them. I saw Palmer's Cocoa Butter Leg Gloss at the chemists and I need feedback from people who have used it before.

Does it give you some coverage? If yes, how much? and does it like glow unnaturally? I want my legs to look natural, not too orange but still give some coverage.

Has anyone used Palmer's Cocoa Butter Leg Gloss?
Fantastic Product!! Buy IT!
Reply:I don't know about that but I heard about a product called sheer cover. I saw where a woman had burns on her arms and she rubbed the product in and you couldn't even tell. Good luck.

paper bush

Permanent body hair removal?

i have heard about some laser techniques

i was asking about it's side effect, does it need certain skin condition, how much does it costs?

Permanent body hair removal?
When getting hair removal make sure you dont sunbath/tan bed just before...wait 72hrs. also it doesnt work on true blonde hair or white needs the darker color to attract the laser. in our spa most can be taken care of in 4 to 6 treatments...but we continue to treat until it is removed...without further cost to you. as far as cost goes....chin is about 300.00 total cost....whole legs about 1300.00 total cost bikini with underarm about 700.00 total cost. it should not cause any real do feel the zap of the hair which is uncomfortable ....but if it is causing real pain then you should stop the treatment....wait a few days and make sure you dont blister....if you do you need to talk with the doctor or find another one.
Reply:It's not really that costly in the long run ...because you only have to do it once. then your shave free. Report It

Reply:i hear it hurts and irritates the skin
Reply:it costs @ 1,000 for 3 sessions...generally the thinner your hair the faster the laser works...thicker hair requires more sesions. make sure you find a qualified hair removal specialist...and it does not hurt...but you do feel a pulse sensation when the laser is on.

Can pit bulls be nice, friendly dogs?

I know of a family with a pit bull -- they have kept it in a crate for about 90 percent of its life. I know that the father is wanting to maybe get rid of the dog since he can't afford to feed it or take it to the vet and it has a skin condition. It is KILLING me that there is this poor dog suffering with them, and I would love to offer to buy it. (I figure they could use the money, right?) Anyway, I have a 90-pound German shorthair who is our beloved family pet -- he's great with kids, and with everybody really. But I don't know what pitbulls are like, and if it will ruin things for MY dog.

SO, to make a very long question short, do you think this pit bull could be a good dog to bring into my house -- with my own big dog? (I also have two kids, ages 8 and 12).

Can pit bulls be nice, friendly dogs?
You may want it checked out by a vet that deals w/ behavioral issues. Since he's not been socialized that is a big concern, however, that doesn't automatically mean he is a killer. Pit bulls get labeled as mean dogs but ANY dog can be vicious. More often than not it's the owners who make the dogs like this by not socializing or who knows what. Keep in mind that they obviously don't sound like they have taken care of it so the vet bill will probably be high. You need to get him up to date on vaccines, heartworm test and prevention, check for intestinal parasites (especially since you have kids and another dog), rid of the skin infection and find out what it is. Could be mange for all you know. You should also consider classes for him and for sure get him neutered. May also take some time for your other dog to grow used to the new one. They're gonna gave to figure out who the alpha is and who is not.
Reply:Yes. IF it has been around other dogs before. If not... and no offense to pit bull lovers... but they have a naturally aggressive nature to other animals. It's a proven fact so don't yell at me and anyway I really like pit bulls, they're great with kids.
Reply:depending on how its raised they can be good dogs.
Reply:Pit Bulls are normal dogs with a damaged reputation.

Try taking the dog to training classes and a behavorist first, so it gets used to being around people, like in a household.

Im sure the dog will fit fine, which most rescues normally do, because they just want to be part of the family.
Reply:you are going to hear an ear full when it comes to pitbulls on this website.....good luck

in the long run you need to trust your to what is best for your dog....if your dog gets along with others....if they are both males, I prob would not recommend that....

trust your own judgement.....even ask the family if you could pet sit for one night bec you want to adopt him...... try a slow introduction, then you make the call

just make it safe for everyone
Reply:just like any other breed, pit bulls can be wonderful dogs! some of the sweetest, most mellow dogs i have known were pit bulls. it all depends on how they are raised. being that this dog has not been cared for properly,-been locked up for so long, possible underfed (?), and has not had much socialization, there is a chance it will be aggressive. I would suggest meeting the dog first. see how he acts around you, your dog, and your family. do this slowly, and make sure to supervise the whole time! if you decide to take him in, a professional trainer would be a good idea as it does not seem like he has had much training. good luck!
Reply:Plain and simple, there is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners. Is the Pit Bull a male or female? I would say, ask the owners if they will let you hang out with the dog for a little bit, outside, play ball, see how he or she reacts when you take the toy from him, and introduce the pit to your German Shorthair. Then go from there.
Reply:i was playing with one, one time and didnt know it was a pit until my friend told i walked away and it was wagging its tail
Reply:well, pit bulls can be really hard to handle. it depends on its age. young pits can easily be brought up to be good dogs. also pits can be very territorial. i don't think it will be good to keep him w/ 2 young children and another dog in the house. but if hes between newborn and about 11 months, you'll have minimal trouble if any. but since hes caged up so much, he might be very aggressive, the poor thing.
Reply:Depends on how they are brought up..
Reply:Yes most of them are fabulous dogs. You would half to see how the dogs get along first.
Reply:what is the skin condition this is very sad. it could be many things, what if it is contagious to people or children find that out first then decide, but that would a great to do to get that dog out of its crate. We see many pit bulls that are super friendly with people and animals. just check it out or call a local pit bull rescue, linda blair world heart foundation.
Reply:My friend has a pit bull that is like a child. He is so well behaved my friend takes him to the bar and Major will sit completely still with all manner of strangers around. He has never shown aggression my advise is to give it a chance, but introduce the other dog slowly. My friend wanted one of my kittens so i took it to visit about 8 times before he took it and by the third visit Major had it curled up sleeping with him, he treats that cat as if it was his best friend. Pit Bulls have a bad reputation due to bad owners who exploit their natural instincts. Love and trust are more important to this dog than anything. I bet it would love to be a part of a loving welcoming family (and the skin condition is probably caused by being in the crate. probably an infection..sprinkle some sulfur on it and it will help it so will a good bath with "hot spot" shampoo
Reply:It's how u treat them when they are young. I have a boxer- pitbull, and he is the sweetest dog in the world. Treat him nicely, don't hurt him, and he'll be fine.
Reply:Pit bull-type breeds can be wonderful pets. However, the fact that this one has lived 90% of his life in a crate worries me. It sounds like he's been neglected, if not abused, and so may not make the best pet, especially if you have kids.
Reply:Pitbulls are great dogs with a bad rep. It is so sad. When other dogs bite someone. you just here man suffers from dog bite. When it was a pitbull they make sure to say they were attacked by a pitbull. Actually the most Dangerous dogs that are known for biting people and attack ing for no reason are Black Labs. Good luck it is a very hard decision on whether to add a second dog.
Reply:I have a wonderful pit bull and i love the breed but i woulden't suggest getting a dog that has been crated 90 percent of its life and taking the crate that its known for so long away and throwing in 2 children and another dog.
Reply:Pit bulls tend not to be so great with other dogs.
Reply:dpending on how the dog was raised pitbulls can be great dogs... They are my favorite, I used to have one.. and she had the biggest personality ive ever seen in a dog, very lovable also... but if hes been caged up i wouldnt be too sure about that
Reply:As long as you give the Pit proper training and socialization, you should be fine. Since the dog's been in a crate for so long, it could possibly have some behavioral issues, so it would be wise to consult a professional trainer. Pits can be somewhat dog aggressive, but that's not true in all cases; another reason to consult a professional trainer.

Pit Bulls were the original family dog long before Labs and Goldens were.
Reply:yes pit bulls can be great i have 3 and they are the sweetest dogs in the world otherwise i wouldn't have them around my kids but they are very active so its a good idea to have a big yard and be ready for a "pit fit" if they are in the house and anyone who has pitts knows what that is when they start they little runs through bounce off stuff just get out of the way
Reply:NO !!

The dog has not been raise right %26amp; you stand a good chance of it being dog aggressive %26amp; you could loose your other dogs if it is. They are not a good family dog unless you get one from a competent breeder who doesn't fight them or pop out puppies right %26amp; left.

This dog has been mistreated %26amp; the owner should be reported. It will be a sad story cause the dog will probably be euthanized.

I just like to know if there any cure or maybe hope for any1 who have cronic illness?

i.e, heart problem, diabetes, cancer, allergies which include skin condition, respiratory diseases etc.

I just like to know if there any cure or maybe hope for any1 who have cronic illness?
Well, biotech and pharma companies are coming out with new therapies all the time. While these are not cures, for the most part, they can extend or improve life for patients with these illnesses.

I work for a biotech firm that has one of the few drugs on the market for pancreatic cancer. This drug has been shown to extend the life span from (if I remember correctly) six weeks to approximately 12 weeks. This may not seem like a lot, but if it were your parent, wouldn't you appreciate an extra six weeks with them?

All progress is normally made incrementally. So I would hope to see several therapies extending and improving life to be out before a "cure" is found for any of these very serious diseases.

I also know about this subject because I have a chronic disease [not on your list] which used to be a death sentence in the mid-80s, but now is relatively treatable, although not yet curable. So keep your fingers crossed for me too. :o)

My belly itches so bad!?

I am 35 weeks pregnant today, and about a week ago, my belly started to itch bad. I stopped using lotion for stretch marks. But I have been using benadryl cream on it, because the itching is so bad and it won't stop, just keeps getting worse whether I touch it or not. I am also on benadryl for another skin condition... Do I worry about the itching? Is there anything else I can do to help it? Or do I just cope with it and use a tube of benadryl cream every night!?

My belly itches so bad!?
It could be PUPP. Keep using the Benedryl and mention it to your doctor when you go back. They may be able to give you something else.
Reply:dont scratch, I gave in with my first and took a hair brush to my belly it itches so bad and i did with free abandon. now u should see how hideous my belly is, it use to be so cute and sexy i even had midriff sweaters
Reply:have you tried the palmers? It is more emolient than just a cream. That itching is the your skin stretching...poor thing...I had it too. I just used the palmers (stretch mark cream). I also use Goldbond utimate healing is more emolient than others.


What's the disavantage you got from your computer?

Hmm,i have been with my computer for so long,so my skin condition became bad.Luckily,i went back to my hometown and left my computer for a week,my rosy cheeks miraculousely came back.

What's the disavantage you got from your computer?
I work and the only time I get time to be on NET and the COMPUTER is after ten in the night. Besides the relations with my husband getting shitty... I got what is known in medical terms as Sleep necrosis. A sleeping disorder whereby due to lack of sleep in the night I got to sleep anytime, anywhere, sitting mostly...
Reply:Migrianes are a disadvantage from being on a computer at work home and for school
Reply:I got addicted to it that i forgot other things important to do in life. ^^
Reply:i think virus and trojans and spyware
Reply:Electricity bills.
Reply:stress pains in my fingers due to too much typing.
Reply:Too much radiation.
Reply:My butt falls asleep.

Poll Anybody want a drink.?

An Indonesian maid was jailed in Hong Kong for serving up a cup of water containing URINE to her employer. He noticed the smell called her in and told HER to drink it SHE DID it was claimed in court that she was using the liquid as a curative for a skin condition.. Still want that drink.?

Poll Anybody want a drink.?
Yes please, I'm parched.
Reply:I want a Dr. Pepper
Reply:not me
Reply:Yummy. Not. So, who had the skin condition? Sure are some crazy beliefs out there?
Reply:Oh no. You've put me off now! x x
Reply:Yes I am still thirsty!

Maybe she really was trying to help the guy. A lot of people are not open minded to natural remedies so she probably felt she couldn't tell him what she was doing for him. I know I wouldn't drink it knowingly, but if it would help me medically then I would appreciate someone tricking me into doing it (hopefully I would never find out, eeewww).
Reply:It was done in Blackadder 2 as a 'fine wine from the far lands' as a present to Melchett. Of course they never let on...
Reply:just get me a beer please
Reply:Yeah as long as it has a drop of vodka in it lmao!!!!!
Reply:Uweeeeeee, yuck, dont think ill wanna drink again, some pee..ple are so sick, lol

Reply:I'll have to pass on that one but thanks for offering :)

My dog has a "hot spot" on his back...?

The vet recommended an over the counter medication, but that seemed to irritate it more. The lady at the feed barn recommended a skin conditioning spray, it seems to relieve it for a while, but I have to use it every couple hours. His "hot spot" isn't getting worse, but it's not getting better either. Some one told me that bacon grease will help. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

My dog has a "hot spot" on his back...?
Mix douche powder with white Vaseline, until it makes a thick paste..apply liberally on the area, as often as needed..It promotes healing, has mild anti-fungals, and antibiotics, and is very soothing.. An old vet gave this remedy to me many years ago, and it is good for many skin problems..It will work
Reply:Your dog has a superficial pyoderma, a skin infection known to veterinarians as pyotraumatic dermatitis and to dog owners as hot spots. Hot spots are surface skin infections caused when populations of normal skin bacteria grow and overwhelm normal resistance. They are generally circular patches that lose hair, can be swollen, may exude a smelly pus, and can be painfully itchy, causing the dog to scratch, lick, or bite to the point of self-mutilation. Untreated hot spots can spread and provoke a normally even-tempered dog to growl or nip when touched.

These troublesome sores can seem to arise in a matter of hours with no warning, but they do tend to follow a pattern that helps in predicting their occurrence.

Dogs most susceptible to hot spots are those with heavy coats and histories of allergies, ear infections, flea infestations, irritated anal sacs, and grooming problems such as hair tangles and mats, but any dog can develop this infection. Dogs in warm, humid climates may develop hot spots when they shed their undercoats if the dead hair is trapped next to the skin, and dogs with behavior problems may mutilate themselves by licking and thus encourage an infection to become established.

The most common locations for hot spots are the legs and feet, flanks, and rump — areas that can be reached by licking or biting — but these localized infections can also appear on ears, neck, and chest if the dog is continually scratching.Two approaches are neccessary for dealing with hot spots: treat the sore and remove the underlying cause to prevent recurrences.

Veterinary dermatologist Lowell Ackerman recommends the following treatment in his book Skin and Haircoat Problems in Dogs:

trim the hair around the sore to prevent further spread of the infection and expose the edges of the lesion;

wash the area in a mild water-based astringent or antiseptic;

be prepared to use antibiotics or cortisone if the washing does not give results.

Ackerman recommends against the use of ointments or creams because they can seal in the infection and hinder recovery. In severe cases, a veterinarian may suggest the use of an Elizabethan collar to prevent mutilation and give the spot a chance to heal.


If the underlying cause is tangled or matted hair or trapped dead hair, put the dog on a regular grooming schedule either at home or at a grooming salon. Collies, Old English Sheepdogs, Shih-Tzus, and other breeds with long hair that tangles easily should be groomed at least twice a week so that snarls and mats do not form. Never bathe a dog with matted or tangled hair — comb the snarls out first. Clip mats if you cannot easily comb them out, and make an appointment for professional grooming every four-to-six weeks if you cannot keep the dog mat-free on your own.

If the underlying cause is allergies, begin an aggressive campaign to rid your home and yard of fleas and work with your veterinarian on a plan to reduce allergy triggers for your pet. Household dust, plant pollen, lawn chemicals, and diet can all cause allergies or can build to a crescendo of allergies if the dog's sensitivities cross a threshhold. Frequent vacuuming, supplements to keep the skin and coat healthy, air purifiers, and baths in skin-soothing herbal or medicated shampoos with aloe, oatmeal, jojoba, or eucalyptus can help. Next step is over-the-counter antihistamines such as Benadryl or Atarax — with a veterinarian's approval. If these don't work, then steroids to reduce the inflammation and the immune system reaction to the allergen and perhaps antibiotics to cure the infected hot spot are the next course of treatment.

If the underlying cause seems to be behavioral — if your pet doesn't have allergies or fleas or a more serious skin condition, but is so bored, stressed, or lonely that he maims himself with constant licking or scratching, he may need more exercise, playtime, and attention. This can be the easiest or the hardest treatment to implement because there's no pill or ointment for long-term success; the requirements are time, consistency, and perhaps an investment in training books, an obedience school, a dog sitter, or an animal behaviorist

Hope that was of some help to you and best of luck! Boy my hand are crampin!
Reply:Bacon grease does not sound like a good idea, especially if the skin is broken. Then you're just asking for an infection! And if he likes bacon, he'll just lick at it (also not good!!!)

Perhaps try a different vet. What we do at our clinic is clip away the hair, scrub with betadine (kills germs), spray with medication that also soothes skin and dulls pain, then if it's bad we give a shot of antibiotics.

If it's in a spot where he can lick it, he may need to wear a "lamp shade" because licking it won't help it heal.
Reply:Dazzlingstarz had an excellent explanation. To that I'd like to suggest calling the vet back and letting him/her know that the medication made the problem worse. Perhaps he or she will have an alternate medicine to suggest.
Reply:You can use Furazolidone Spray to treat the hot spot. It is a broad spectrum antibacterial aerosol that is available from vet supply companies and also, some feed stores carry it. The spray contains 4% Furazolidone and works very good in the treatment of bacterial infections of superficial wounds, abrasions and lacerations in dogs.

I would advise you to clip the hair around the hot spot and use this spray a couple of times a day.

From your question, I am not sure if you actually took the dog to the vet, or just called him for suggestions, but often, if the hot spot is very large, the vet will give an injection of Prednisone for the itching and also an antibiotic. The itching causes the dog to lick and chew and to cause further damage. Beware of the Pred. will cause increased water consumption and urination. bacon grease! That would only make the dog want to lick and chew more at the area.....the idea is to stop him from the self mutilation.
Reply:Remove the hair by cutting and shaving-Then wash it off with a mild soap and water- Use benadryl for the itching. Check with the vet for the right dose- Then apply medicine from the vet. It's always worked for my dogs. They only seem to get them right at the top of the tail. Those nasty spots can drive the poor dog nuts.
Reply:DO NOT do the bacon grease- your goal is to 'dry' that spot up.

Cut away hair around it, and try this product...I've cured hot spots with this and it takes away the itch instantly. It is called

"Best Shot M.E.D. Topical Solution", and they have a shampoo by the same name as well. Does NOT sting, no alcohol, a natural product that I SWEAR by.

Spray the solution on the hot spot three times daily and I guarantee you'll see improvement within three days, then just spray it once or twice per day until healed. It is an antiseptic that also has healing agents for the damaged has aloe vera gel, eucalyptus oil, chamomile, and is an excellent treatment for skin allergies, hotspots, eczema, and sebhorrhea. Cost is about $10 per bottle and it CANNOT be found in pet stores, I usually buy it at dog shows when the vendor is there but I have ordered it before as well with no problem...

You can order it online at :

I'd also ask your vet for some Clavamox oral antibiotic to help with any skin infection from this, do a round of the Clavamox with this spray and the shampoo and I think you'll have it solved.

(When you bathe, make SURE that you get that dog DRY TO THE SKIN...otherwise you're gonna make that hotspot worse and maybe cause others.)

Good luck!

What can I eat? what is a gluten free diet?

I have a skin condition. This remedy book I have recommends to avoid eating eggs, sugars, peanuts, and dairy products and to eat a gluten-free diet.

I love dairy, breads and pastas, and of course, sugar.

What is left to eat once you take all of that out?

What can I eat? what is a gluten free diet?
It's going to be hard...I have a few friends who have to live gluten free. Here's a few websites that might help though.

I also know that if you have a larger chain grocery store nearby, such as a Hy-Vee (that's what it is here), they have a few aisles devoted to gluten free products.

Good luck!
Reply:Meat, more white than red, fish with omega oils, %26amp; veggies.

Fruits %26amp; real nuts for natural sugars %26amp; proteins, of course.
Reply:One of my best friends has a gluten allergy (she's coeliac) and she has to buy special stuff, but most large supermarkets stock some in some form or another. You can also order it on the internet. Very often the gluten free foods will be peanut and dairy free as well.
Reply:Meat and potatoes and rice :), Meat can be fish, chicken, beef, lamb, whatever. I usually cook some chicken, then have a baked or fried or mashed potato, then have some veggies with butter/oil. Yum! I get tired of potatoes though... Squash works as a carb as do sweet potatoes. I need some more rice dishes.

It's interesting because if you go to a health food store, you can often get things that are everything-free practically ! Brownies, cookies (all in mixes of course) can be found, all sorts of replacement products. I recommend lundberg's rice pasta as a substitute as it is pretty good (just not as sticky as wheat pasta).

You can also check out this bakery as they specialize in gluten free vegan food. It's good! The waffles and white bread are to DIE for! The scones, cookies, and cinnamon roles were quite good too.
Reply:Wow. This is such a big change all at once I can imagine it is a bit of a shock and not the easiest thing to take in.

The good news is, I am sitting here at my computer eating a chocolate chip cookie that is gluten-free, dairy-free and sweetened with agave nectar --no white flour, white sugar or dairy.

Here is the link to this fairly easy recipe:

And here is the link to a video tutorial of the recipe:

I hope this helps and wish you the best of luck in your healing. I am on a diet very similiar to yours and have found that I feel great on it. My website has a bunch of easy recipes that might be of help to you:

Good luck!
Reply:Well, if it doesn't fix your skin, I bet you lose weight on this diet!

Seriously, though. If you think this is too difficult to tackle all at once, why not take it in stages, starting with dairy and eggs, perhaps (afaik dairy is the most likely cause of skin conditions like acne) - and peanuts as it's pretty easy to avoid those.

Take a couple of weeks or a month to get used to that and then if the results aren't there, cut out gluten - another possible cause which is fairly well documented. This is the biggy. It is very hard to cut out gluten, so I advise you to only do it if you find that excluding dairy doesn't work.

Finally, if you're still having problems, cut out sugars. Try not to replace it with chemical substitutes, as these often do quite a lot of harm. Perhaps, if you currently have a very sweet tooth, you could try tailing it off a little at a time, half a spoonful less in your coffee for a while, that sort of thing.

Cutting out all these foods from your diet in one fell swoop may well result in you losing out on essential nutrients, so whichever way you choose to do it, please get a supply of fish oil capsules and take them every day, along with a good quality gluten free vitamin and mineral supplement.

Good luck


I want to dye my hair platuim blonde but im a natural red head can anyone tell me how to do it??

i have red hair and i want it blonde??? i also have a skin condition on my head called phyrisist ( ithink thats how u spell it) so it burns?? anyone know how to make me blonde???? plz help me

I want to dye my hair platuim blonde but im a natural red head can anyone tell me how to do it??
What kind of skin condition do you have? I would recommend you ask the doctor first to make sure that you're ok to dye your hair. But yes, with some dyes and bleach your scalp can sting, and even get a chemical burn. You can use this product to stop the burn and itch.

So anyways, for color, always go to a beauty supply store and buy quality dye, never buy a box dye. Buy the dye that you want, don't buy a semi-permanent dye because they can't lift color very well. Since you are a red head, you might want to use an ashy color, with a green base to counteract the orange of your hair. Since you are lifting your color lighter for the first time, I would recommend you use a 20 volume developer if you are going dark-medium blonde, and a 30 or 40 volume developer if you are going medium to light blonde.

There are safer, more natural dyes that aren't too harsh on the hair, but these are usually no lift dyes and only semi-permanent, so you can only go darker or tone the hair slightly.
Reply:You should not try this on your own. You will most likely have to use bleach, unless you have never ever dyed your hair before. You will however have to tone and that can be dangerous with a scalp condition. You need to see a stylist and you need to tell them all about your condition. They will be able to keep a close eye and make sure it's all going well. Do not try this at home.
Reply:i agree with sara. if youre a natural red head, itll be hard to go platinum blonde without bleaching. i dont recommend you bleaching it, unless you dont mind doing a lot of damage to your hair.

if you really do want to go blonde, go to a professional.
Reply:Go to a profesional hair dresser!
Reply:I, as a hairdresser, would not do your hair, because of the condition of your scalp. The burning you get now with no chemicals on your head is nothing compared to the burn you will get when bleach hits your scalp! No matter how careful the hairdresser is the warm head melts down bleach on the head and will go on your scalp....even if you have what is called a 'protective base' on your scalp, the base will hinder the color, and does not cover the 'WHOLE' head. Honestly sweetie get some hair extensions or a wig.

You would be putting the salon and yourself in danger. Do you go to a doctor for the Psoriasis? Talk to your Dr. before you do anything.

Platinum blond is a hard enough color to achieve, and must be achieved with bleach ....especially with red hair.

What is a ampoules?

Does it improve skin condition?

What is a ampoules?
Myotonology® has formulated specialized ampoules to compliment the Myotonology® Facial %26amp; Eye Treatment Program. Ampoules such as C Complex, Firming, and Moisture provide essential nourishment to the skin and help the overall effect of the treatments. All of the Myotonology® ampoules are 100% botanical and gentle

enough for the even most sensitive skin types.

The C Complex Ampoule is ideal for sun and wind damaged skin. The C formula helps to smooth pigmentation and rejuvenate damaged skin with the anti-oxidant power of vitamin C.

The Firming Ampoule is with Elastin designed to help revitalize skin tonicity and texture and is a great compliment with any skin type.

The Collagen-Hydrating Ampoule is a replenishing ampoule excellent for clients with persistent dry and flaking skin.
Reply:No. An ampoule, ampule or ampul is a sealed glass or plastic bulb containing a solution.

Am i pretty?

Iv never had much confodence because iv got a skin condition called urticarea pigmentosa i am coverd in pink freckels and they realy put my confodence down everybody tells me not to worry about them andthat im pretty and my boyfriend dosent mind them but i still worry about them could you tell me what you think please help click on this link then click ME at the botem of MY PAGES

Am i pretty?
Dear YOU ARE pretty.......don't fall into the comparison not compare yourself to anybody...OMG think a minute of the countless girls who want to look just like you.....

Do something for yourself....get in the mirror and look at the things you like....15 is a hard age and you're discovering have yet to become what you're going to must like what YOU SEE, sweetie I don't think any woman is completely satisfied with what she sees....try and get comfortable with what you see without someone having to tell you....cause when someone else tells you it will just confirm what you already knew....
Reply:yes you are pretty.
Reply:ur only pretty if u believe ur pretty
Reply:You look pretty. :^)
Reply:u are really pretty!!!!!

im not shure wat ur thing is but on the pics i didnt see anything weird...

have u gone to see a dermo and see if u can use umthin to get rid of em?
Reply:um yes, i dont even see any pink freckels
Reply:u look pretty in the pic
Reply:Honey ...... You are Awesomely Beautiful!

Your boy friend is a very lucky guy

listen to him

he knows how lucky he is I am absolutely sure because I am a guy too!
Reply:yes you are very pretty!!
Reply:omg your pretty but don't forget to be pretty you also have to think your are
Reply:I wish I was as pretty as you
Reply:your gorgeous! i didnt even notice any freckles! your hot! did you just fall from heaven????
Reply:you are really pretty :)
Reply:You are really pretty. =]
Reply:omg! u are one of the prettiest people i have ever seen in my life!!!!!!!!!!!! and don't worry about ur freckles u can't even c them!
Reply:Are you that cute blonde?

Are you that needy?

my goodness

the blonde in those pics is pretty

pretty hot too

Reply:I can't see the freckles!

They sound cute anyway.

Yes, wow your SO pretty!

I love your eyes

And you hair is so nice

Melissa, 16 xxx

Is there any type of goverment housing ect... for someone who is disabled and unable to work???


Is there any type of goverment housing ect... for someone who is disabled and unable to work???
I'm sure there is what ever state ur from go to the social services they have all kinds of things that can benefit her low income housing section 8 she can apply for a check to help her out u can also try getting her on with the social security for a check for her hepatitis
Reply:Check with Social Services.
Reply:Call social security and apply for benefits. Also call social services. Your Mom should be getting disability checks, which she or her legal guardian, caregiver has to apply for. Also depending on her condition you may consider a nursing home. I hope that you will find somebody to help you with your situation. You need to find a social worker to help coordinate and help you out.

lady slipper

I have been getting some bug bite looking things on my body and legs.?

the bug bite looking things are red and its about the size of thumb nail. there is also a small blister looking thing around the center. ive poped some of them before, and nothing came out. its kind of itchy, and when the redness is gone, they leave light brownish scars, and last for months. i dont know if its some kind of bug bite or some skin condition. does anyone know the problem or the solution? thanks.

I have been getting some bug bite looking things on my body and legs.?
Go see a dermatologist. Also, change your laundry soap to hypoaligernic soap.
Reply:i would see a dermatologist or at least my family DR they should not last that long if it was just a bug bite, may be a skin disorder or a rash which requires special ointment
Reply:You should see your dr., some spider bites can be fatal.
Reply:Maybe u have bed bugs
Reply:I would go see a doctor. Good luck
Reply:I do not think they are bug bites. They could be allergy related exzema, psoriasis, shingles....keep them clean and rub some hydrocortizone on them until you find out what it is.
Reply:You should see a Dr...It's sounds like Impetigo..It's fairly easy to diagnose and easy to cure. However it's highly contagious and will continue to spread when you scratch it. Please let me know if this helps.
Reply:if they are on just one side of your body, red and itchy they are more than likely shingles.

if they are red and seem to be joined by a thread to the next spot and around your waist, thighs and buttocks they maybe scabbies.
Reply:it sounds like bed bug changer you cover on your bed and flip your mattres and spray the mattress with lysol.

How can I get my cat to lose weight?

He is a strict housecat, 10 years old, and weighs 30lbs. He did lose some weight after I got my second cat, but now that I've had her for a couple years, he has gained it all back. I feed him Iams Multi-cat formula dry food in the morning, and 1/2 can Friskies wet food in the evening. The vet told me I have to feed him wet food because of a dry-skin condition he tends to get. And he has a history of urinary-tract infections from bad dry food. I can't take him to the vet anymore cuz he gets mean. I can't get him to play to get excersize and there's no way he's walking on a leash. I'd appreciate any tips anyone can give!! Thanks!

How can I get my cat to lose weight?
Hi there...Having both feline lower urinary tract disorders (FLUTD) and a cat that is overweight will require a delicate balance of diet so I'll do my best to explain the needs of both first then how you can achieve weight loss and management as well as avoid future recurrences of FLUTD symptoms.

A little background about causes of FLUTD. It is caused by several factors, and combinations of these factors, which include obesity, stress, urinary pH, water and fibre intake in the animal's diet. Recurrence is common with FLUTD cats so preventive measures such a canned food diet to keep hydration levels high plus any other ways to encourage more water consumption is a must, easy access to multiple litter boxes in addition to regular check ups as well as supplementation with prescriptions depending on the severity of the condition.

Cats who eat dry cat foods tend to suffer from recurring episodes and this seems to be a common denominator with cats diagnosed with various types of FLUTD. The idea is to acidify the urine because cats with FLUTD have low urine pH so your goal is to reverse this and canned foods have been known to achieve the results.

Additionally, most commercial grade cat foods contain corn, corn meal which are fillers (carbohydrates) that bind the dry food together as a way of keeping foods lasting longer. Try finding cat food products which are devoid of these ingedients. The first ingredients should show chicken, chicken meal, etc. Most show the first ingredients as corn on the ingredient labels. IAMs, Science Diet, Purina, Whiskas, Friskies ...all have corn listed as the main ingredient. Cats who eat these tend to always feel hungry because the carbs don't metabolize fast enough and cats are obligate carnivores so they need a diet devoid of these types of carbs. Products such as Innova EVO, Nature's Variety Prairie, Felidae, Wellness, Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul, James Wellbeloved (for UK residents), are some examples of premium brands available. Most cats who eat these find that they do not eat to eat as much because their appetite is better satiated.

Additionally, it's important to schedule feed a cat so you can monitor servings taken in during the day . Each product lists the recommended servings based on a age and weight. For an overweight cat you would be reducing the intake gradually by 10% each week that the vet recommends is an appropriate caloric intake. Cats who are switched from a free-fed diet should be fed multiple times a day (if permittable) such as once in the morning, mid-day, and then evening before your bedtime.

When switching to a new brand of cat food it is also important to note that sudden changes can cause sever bowel distress. Cats have very sensitive digestive systems so the quick change will cause bouts of diarrhoea and vomiting. Any vet can confirm this fact. Cat food should be changed gradually by mixing the current brand with the new brand over the course of several weeks. For example you would take 3/4 servings of the old cat food to 1/4 servings with the new for one week...then the next week 1/2 to 1/2...then following 1/4 of the old to 3/4 of the new in the third week before completing the switch in the final week.

Furthermore, some cats can take off the weight faster by feeding a canned food diet, which is very helpful for cats who suffer from FLUTD. For some reason the hydration in the canned products helps metabolize food better and are also completely devoid of carbohydrates, which is more optimal for the feline's body and while at the same acidifies the urine pH which is perfect for cats who have FLUTD . When cats eat raw meat in the wild they get hydration from the fresh meat juices as well as some roughage from the animals who are natural herbivores. A mixture of canned and dry are always best for cats in the long-term, which many people are unaware of. We are have been exposed to so many commercial ads regarding dry food for cats, but in reality it's the manufacturer's who benefit rather than the cats. Cats are not naturally designed to eat dry--the products were designed for convenience for the owner.

Here's an article about commercial cat food; dry vs. canned, proper nutritional needs, etc:

Finally, most cats become bored with toys quickly. It's important to rotate them by hiding them and then bringing them back out again so the appear to be like new toys. Interactive toys are the best ones to use to get a cat moving such as a laser light. Most cats love chasing the light. The goal is to get the cat to move back and forth at least for 5 minutes to begin as some tire more easily than others especially if they are overweight. You can increase play time more if they enjoy it. Some cats love chasing feather teasers tied on a string too. Experiment to what gets your cat moving. Just please remember most overweight cats tire easily so keep the sessions short and fun. Interactive toys are the best ways to get your cat to exercise rather than leaving toys for them to play with. They only bat at those and really don't move enough. Not only does the interactive toys work better, but it's a bonding experience for both of you as well.

Here are some websites that I've researched to help prepare for the long road ahead to minimize the repeat episodes:

FLUTD (also formerly known as FUS):
Reply:feed him less..sorry u did ask sorry if my answer was stating the obvious x
Reply:This shouldn't be too difficult for you.

What you should do is take him completely off the dry food, and instead of Friskies, feed him a good quality canned food. Because of his extremely high weight, I would recommend feeding him around 2/3 of a can of a 6oz can per day. I normally say a full can per day, but perhaps in his case a little less would be better.

Because he's already eating some canned food, the transition shouldn't be that difficult. If you feel bad about taking him off dry completely, I would switch to a better brand (Iams isn't very good unfortunately) and only let him have a spoonful per day.

I've linked to suggestions for good canned foods and the better dry foods. Two kinds not listed in there are Nature's Variety Instincts and Wellness Core. I would avoid Evo, even in small quantities, because it's rather high in calories.

Other links will back up what I've said and will give you more info.

The weight loss does have to occur slowly at the rate of about 1 pound per month. Any faster and your kitty could suffer from hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver).

This is what I did to get Poppy to lose weight. She only got as high as 25 pounds, but this has been working!

Good luck!
Reply:I think the food that you are feeding could be the problem. Iams and Friskies are very poor quality. This article will explain more and teach you how to choose a healthier cat food:

Also, Do the two cats get fed at the same time? I'm willing to bet that he is eating some of the other cat's food as well. Feeding them seperately could help.

Do not free feed dry food either. When you give it free-choice, he will constantly be eating and gaining weight. Dry food can be very fattening, especially when it is a poor quality one. Feeding all wet food could help a lot, especially for a cat with urinary issues. Kibble does not clean their teeth as many once thought and so it is not neccessary. If you must feed a dry food, here are some good ones:


Innova Evo


California Natural


Nature's Variety

My cat eats Stella and Chewy's. It is a raw meat diet and she has done very well on it. She's even lost weight! Once your cat starts slimming down some, he will be more apt to play and exercise.
Reply:My Tabby cat is 22 pounds and I get my soft food from the vet. The soft food your feeding him may be causing this. I feed my cat r/d prescription Diet food in the morning. He has IBS . the food I feed to him he loves .I divide it 4 ways . Feed him a little triangle a day.I buy in a case. Ask your vet about it....Best of Luck

Am trying to get info about "oolox" or "oulox" foam?

This foam is used by my nephew to treat his skin condition-ex

Am trying to get info about "oolox" or "oulox" foam?
research it here this is the site my brother used when going through med school

I have like bumps on my arm?

i have has these little pimple-like bumps on my upper arm for a long time now and it doesn't go away. I see other people's upper arms and it's clear and smooth but, mine isn't. can anyone tell me what it is? like the skin condition and how i can get rid of it? thanks.

I have like bumps on my arm?
its called Keratosis Pilaris. Its pretty much too much keratin in your system, so it just kinda sits on your arms.

You can get a rough scru brush, and scrub real hard there. Use some acne lotion over it, and it'll clear up some. Theres no cure for it, but about 80% of teenagers have it. It should clear itself up in a few years, but its totally normal :]
Reply:Get a loofah ( a rough scrubber) %26amp; exfoliate (scrub)

your skin there, while in the shower, everyday.

It will probably become much smoother in a week.
Reply:I think it's where hair is going to grow!
Reply:It's probably acne. See your doctor or dematologist.
Reply:my cousin has those all over her arm to ewwwwww. lol maybe ur allergic to something.....


Help! Just had an argument with my sister on the phone - any other views on this be appreciated - I am single?

Mum to one lovely little 3 year old girl. Anyway, she has a severe skin condition and so is registered as disabled and is on an intensive evening/day treatment programme. I am her registered carer.

Since she was born my sister has never be of any pragmatic help - no-one has. I don't expect any medals, as any good parent knows you adore your kids and so get on with it.

The problem is my sister is so snippy at me - she thinks that being a stay at home Mum, without a partner and help is easy. She for example tonight when I said I had not had a great weekend as I was really ill (not that you can call in sick being a Mum! Just meant really long days...) and I said that I feel tired as I have not had a day off for 3 years.

At this comment she said that you don't get a day off having a child (I know that I just mean that since all the sleepless nights etc etc I have never had an evening/night/day break so feel worn out) that children are a lifestyle choice and that paid work

Help! Just had an argument with my sister on the phone - any other views on this be appreciated - I am single?
Sounds like she is jealous of you, dont worry about it.
Reply:she needs shooting, contact me if you need ammunition.
Reply:well it is a choice but yet she has no idea how hard it is to raise kids so i wud say u were right
Reply:This thing you are describing is a feeling called suffering. Everyone has it, and it is understood. Lets not compare it, just understand it, and come from a place of empathy or compassion. If not, then forgive.
Reply:Sometime when we communicate, what we want to come out of our mouth isn't what other people hear! You are just real tired, and real emotional. Try and get some rest, both you and your child, and enjoy Thanksgiving too :)
Reply:don't worry, she does sound jealous and most of all...she is probably shocked because maybe she thought you werent going to be able to do it and you are.

Also she wouldnt understand because she doesnt have a kid, but when she does and she tells you she is tired you can say well there is nothing I can do because you never believed me when I use to tell you so.

Keep being an awsome mom to your lil girl and when she grows up teach her on the right path and she will always be thankful for you.
Reply:What is the question, or are you just venting?
Reply:listen i'm a bloke and i know how hard it is, we have two, and both of us are home all day.

she hasn't a clue what you mean, give her her neice for the weekend and that will soon change her opinion.
Reply:She sounds a bit pissed off. Can't see why. You, like everyone else in the world, are free to express their opinon on any given topic (including your own kid). It sounds like you are doing a bang up job so I wouldn't take it to heart. She might have had a bad week or so and just got a bit overly snappy with you. You must love your daughter a lot.


What about the dad? Or your parent. Do they support you?
Reply:Several things:

1) Sis needs a major reality check.

2)If you are not married, then you are single. Whether you have a child or not has nothing to do with it.

3)It is true that you don't get days off from being a mom. But that doesn't mean you can't get help, such as a baby sitter.

And from what you describe, you really do need some help.

Good luck to the little girl.
Reply:Where are the grand parents? They should be there to at least give you an evening to get out and relax. Children are a blessing but does not mean one has to martyr themselves on there behalf. You need to find a way to get out for a few hours of me time...quit being the does not stop cause your a single parent.
Reply:I am a stay at home mum too! Unlike you though I am married but I know what you mean when people think you have it easy of you stay at home and that you have all the time in the world to sit around and do whatever. I always remind my friends and family that they leave there work I don't, I am at my place of work 24/7 and have constant reminders of my inadequacies (a big pile of ironing for a start!) Your daughter is ill and you are her carer, Im sure when she starts school that you might have an oppertunity to work.

She has no kids so she has no idea what it is like to be a parent. I can speak from both sides because I have 3 kids and I have worked full time and part time and now given up. I have a hard job but I do feel undervalued by my near and dear sometimes too. I don't think however, that you should let this rift carry on with your sister. Be the bigger person and ring her back first and just say you are sorry you fell out with each other and you would like her to support you in your choice to be a stay at home mum and you will support her too.

Never let the sun set on an argument or you will cointinue to be upset. Good Luck to you xx
Reply:Well, without hearing the tone of her voice or yours for that matter,

Could it be that she thought that you were fishing for a babysitter and "time off".

Maybe your sister is feeling the same pressures and sleeplessness as you are and is tired of hearing complaints about it.

In the end, I do applaud you for giving up "your personal life" in favor of raising your child. This is very important.

We can always look for love later on down the road, but we cannot go back and re raise our children. We only get one opportunity to do that one, so might as well do it correctly.
Reply:She is probably just over tired and snappy beacuse of it. It is true that staying home seems to be the easy option, but as a mum of three young ones I know that it is nice to go to work!

Yes we all love our children unconditionally, and will care for them without question. But hey we are all only human, and we are allowed to get tired and a little fed up.

I am the mum of 3, healthy children, they are tough work, and i can see your job as a Mom is harder than most. Your sis has annoyed you a little, so put it down to her being grumpy, I am sure she must see what a great job you do, supporting and rearing your daughter alone!!

I care for my partner who is ill, and I am also an official carer, so I can relate to how you feel.

Keep it up!
Reply:Your sister is an idiot . she thinks she is better than you tell her to bug off and she needs to mind her own business . good luck and god bless.


Reply:sounds to me like u need to get a boyfriend and a babysitter (separate people) and go out and get a bit of life before you get even more depressed

this is doing u no good and in the long run its not doin your child any good either

if you deserve a happier time ... go get it !
Reply:No-one can make you feel anything- its up to you how you react to her, and whether you choose to believe in yourself or listen to what others think. Hold your head up high, dont get get sucked into justifying yourself and stop these patterns. It will annoy the 'you know what out' of your sister as she gets satisfaction from attacking your vulnerability. So stop giving her that satisfaction!

Dont moan to her about being tired- wrong person! Moan to someone who appreciates what youre doing and how hard it it. If you cant find someone then moan to yourself! Youre just setting yourself up every time. To her- talk about the great things about being a Mom!

Be proud- and dont allow people who cant see your worth keep trying to put you down.

Reply:i get where you are coming from, i am a stay at home mum, but i am not single and because my hubby works i dont get any financial help, so yeah a lifestyle choice and you cut down dont get stuff for yourself and get stuff for your kid instead. but its hard cause its not just for 6 months is it. we dont have family or friends nearby so its just me and baby and cause hubby works and needs his sleep i do most of the caring for both of them, and havent had a day off either, at least when you are working you can talk about having a day of but being a mum people just laugh, it stinks this country needs us to have kids whose gonna work when we are all pensioners, ps it cost a fortune to put them in nursery so even if you did work it would be to pay childminders, i think a society who doesn t bring their own kids up has only got asbos to look forward to.
Reply:i have a disabled son of19 and i can understand your situation.Have you tried inviting your sister to stay with you for a couple of days so that she can see what you have to put up with.If you are finding it to much to bear have you tried respite care?if only for a couple of hours,contact you doctors surgery for further information,do you have a parent who could care for your daughter for a day giving you a much needed break.Contact carers a wealth of information for carers do not give up as it is worth all the hard work bringing up your daughter especially when you can see that you have made a difference to her life.
Reply:I'm sorry that I cannot give any advise to you as I am a firm believer in brothers and sisters going their own way after they grow up and get out on their own.

I have three brothers all married and with children. We never visit.

My mother had five brothers and sisters and they all lived in different cities and states. Hardly ever saw each other.

Same with my dad.....he had six brothers and sisters. Sort of stayed in touch until their mother died. All live in other cities and states.

Most families that say they are "close" usually argue all the time. Family get together are a pain.

I think you need to get a girl friend to talk with. Or maybe a group that is going through what you are going through. How about hiring someone to give you a 24 hour break a couple times per month. So that you can rest and relax.

Do not call your sister. If she calls you, don't tell her your troubles. It is clear to see that she does not want to hear your woos.

Could it be that you are telling her your troubles too often and she is just very tired of hearing it over and over? Next time talk about something upbeat; something pleasant. Give her a break.
Reply:It just sounds like your sister is possibly having a bad day herself. As you have known for three years, choosing the profession of motherhood is an always rewarding, but always difficult profession at the same time. Sometimes, those without the experience of parenthood cannot fully appreciate the beating a parent's body and soul can take just from the constant caring of others.

Your daughter also has severe health issues. This adds to the stress. Even parents with healthy children might not respond to you as compassionately as they should.

You deserve to be treated with respect and care as well. And I completely understand your issue with lack of sleep or having a day off. I think the last daytime nap I took, or morning I slept in, was more than 12 years ago.

God bless your efforts! Your story amazes me. I am sorry it does not bring out the tender side in your sister. I would suggest patience, but you really need to spend it on your child and not adults who act like one.
Reply:I understand your need. I am a SAHM too and I am often tired of being needed all the time by everyone and no one considers it difficult to be a mom....If you were near by I would invite you for coffee or tea and we could juggle kids and just probably do need a break. I wish I could help
Reply:OK you are tired your sister is tired.

She probably wishes she had children and maybe stay at home.

You wish you could go to work and earn more money for yourself and your daughter and are trying to take steps to just do that with a degree course but have the underlying worry of your daughters condition which your sister probably does not and will not be able to take on board until and hopefully never does experience it.

She may wish that she could take a degree course but is so tired after work she has not the energy and is envious of you for having it.

I do not think either of you is 100% right and I would not wish to apportion any blame.

The incident has bitten deep because you are at a low ebb and all I can suggest is you get a nights sleep. Sometimes Social Services have a form of respite care or know someone who does. It may well be worth a try for say 5 days away with your daaughter being looked after by someone else or time away with her wwhen someone else could take over some of the duties at night to ensure you get sleep.Are there any mother a child groups about say as is often the case with the local church (any denomination)

I am thankful that I have never had this problem and wish you well, so dry those tears wash your face get yourself a cup of tea and a biscuit or something to eat and, go to bed. Night Night and God Bless
Reply:Your sister will never understand, she's never been in your shoes. It's kind of like teenagers, they believe adults don't understand them either, like they are the only ones who have problems.

I admire what you're doing and I'm going to say this: Being a mom has it's own rewards, but it doesn't have vacation or sick time, you won't be paid for it and there's no promotions or retirement package at the end.

While she is your sister, don't let what she said get to you, she's not the one doing what you're doing, hang in there. Sisters' can be your best friend and your worst enemy, they can also hurt you the most.

Maybe she had a bad day herself, so try not talking to her for a time, I think she will figure out on her own, how wrong she was for making such a broad generalization.
Reply:There is no point in trying to get someone like her to understand. You are fighting a losing battle with her. I'm a single parent of 3 boys so I know how hard it can be.

No one has the right to judge a situation until they have been in that situation them selves. And self righteous people piss me right off!!!

I believe in Karma so maybe you should give it a go. It helps trust me.

Good luck to you honey xxx
Reply:It sounds to me that she is jealous, dont let her get you down, you know that you are doing a wonderful job,and it would be nice to have a little bit of a "well done" sometimes, but other people dont think,

Being a stay at home mum is one of the hardest jobs ever, but the rewards certainly out weigh the hardship.

Maybe if she ever has kids ,she will understand and appreciate all the hard work that goes in to it,

Well done on the great job you are doing. xxx
Reply:Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior with out your permission."

I'm a single mother of three, and just acquired a part time boyfriend. I get the same thing from him.

The truth is parenting alone is an intimate experience. No one knows what your going threw but you. I can relate, lot of single mom's all over the world can relate. And you should look into some single parenting alliances, and support groups.

Don't pay any attention to what she's saying. It's like my six year old letting me she's going to the store to get us Christmas presents with a five cent piece. You can't hold it against her, because she has no idea what she's talking about. I do see that you are insecure about your roll in life, because you've let this get to your emotions. Either that or you hold your sister's opinion in such esteem that you'll let her bring you down.

You are the most important person in your life. If you weren't there to take care of your child, who would. You are so important. There is no telling what your child could become in the future, and thanks to you.

Don't let the opinion of one influence your life.
Reply:Your sister is probably tired of hearing the same thing over and over... Chances are, your conversational skills have nose dived into being nothing but a repitition of your daughter's day/latest acheivement/medical problems/etc... If you feel like maintaining a tie with your sister, try talking about things that interest HER too... Beside the she works/you stay at home issue... there is also the fact that she EARNS her money while you have your hand out... That in itself is annoying... The easiest cure for your problem with your sister is... just don't talk to her...
Reply:I know how you feel, up until a few years ago I was a single mum of three very active, perfectly healthy boys (I have been married for the past few years) and it was terribly difficult. I had been on my own for over 3 years with them and was never able to take time off (not complaining, just fact) and at times I wish I could just find someone to keep them for just a couple of hours so I could recoup. There was a week that I had bronchial pneumonia and had no one to lean on. I felt horrible, not just physically but emotionally as well, because I was terrified I would get my babies sick.

Anyway, after all that has happened things have gotten easier as they have grown and I am sure things will work out for you as well. Never mind your sister, if she doesn't have any children she won't have a full appreciation of your situation. Good luck.
Reply:So what was the argument about? It appears that you're upset because your sister was unsympathetic. Woman up! Stop looking to other people to validate you.

What is cellulite?

I just saw a commercial that was for a cream for cellulite so i know its some sort of skin condition, i tried "google" ing it and alls i could find was more creams for what is it exactly?

What is cellulite?
It occurs when fat pushes through cells giving you the dimpling effect. Those creams are a waste of money. some cellulite can not be combated because it can be genetically linked. There are some people who are in good shape but suffer from this. "If you have an extreme amount working out can greatly reduce the appearance. Another proven remedy would be taking crushed coffee beans and wrapping plastic wrap around the problem area and leaving it there for about 30 mins. to see a reduction in the dimples.
Reply:look at your legs
Reply:dead fat cells
Reply:What is CELLULITE?

A. CELLULITE is that lumpy,rippled skin Appearance common to women of all sizes and ages, that one can not seem to get rid of! It covers parts of the body like a cocoon whether one has a weight problem or not. It is often referred to as that cottage cheese" look.

Q. What causes CELLULITE and how is it formed?

A. Water retention, circulation problems and dietary factors which include food additives, chemical preservatives %26amp; hormones causes cellulite.

Q. How can you get rid of your CELLULITE?

A. The Personalized Weight Loss Pills specifically target your cellulite.
Reply:It is for ppl with excess weight and they want to get rid of it quickly. It removes fat from the body. I hope I helped youu! :-)
Reply:A fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks. Nope I am a big girl and I dont have it.
Reply:fat cells. dont think any cream helps

What are the signs of excema and how can u prevent it...?

exema[ wrong spelling know the dry skin condition.]

What are the signs of excema and how can u prevent it...?
Something which triggers excema can be perfumes and detergents. One way to prevent it is to use hypoallegenic skin care products and washing powders if you feel you may be at all allergic to the perfumes and surfactants...

I had excema on my hands, at one point it was really bad. I had always been slightly allergic to washing up liquid (it would make may hands slightly dry, but nothing serious) and then one day I used a carpet cleaner (without gloves) and it triggered years of really unpleasant excema. By avoiding all perfumed bath products (and being absolutely strict about this) and using a brand of washing up powder for sensitive skin (Filetti) I managed to slowly control it. Now it has gone completely, no trace whatsoever, but it did take me years (although the condition improved a great deal after six months). It worked for me, so, I should imagine, it would work for others.
Reply:look here:
Reply:you will have dry patches on your skin. it doesnt have to be all over either. it could be different spots spread out. they are dry and itchy. a skin dr will put yuo on medicatiosn to keep it under control. try not to itch as it will make matters worse. see dr. if you think you have it. it is very common but can be frustrating.
Reply:There are several forms of eczema, you should really see a Doctor for itchy, flaky, sore skin patches. If this is not the answer you were looking for try a good quality un-perfumed moisturiser. If this does not work then you need to see a GP for a steroid based cream which will sort it out within days.
Reply:your skin will be dry and itchy and red.. try not to scratch it as it makes it weep and spread (i know i have it) try washing powders like fairy and unscented soaps. Oilatum bath elmoluem is a great help too also E45 aniitch cream.. if this fails then go to the doctors and they might prescribe some steroid creams. (betnovate)

hope this helps

Reply:Exema (I dunno how to spell it either) is really dry skin. I have it. Basically, moisturize after showers etc, get yourself a good skin care routine, don't wash with just water - you know in the morning, when you splash water over your face to clean it? Make sure you moisturize after that, otherwise it dries your skin out. Once you've got it, it's a lifetime thing, it comes and goes. But it's easy to control. Well. Mine is. Just make sure you moisturise and protect your skin, especially in the sun, on holiday etc.
Reply:generally dry and itchy skin is a sure sign of excema (sp?)

Cant help with a preventive but generally a doctor wil give you a steriod cream to clear it up.... there are different sorts of this problem too
Reply:Well you know what it is!

I swear by SkinSure Plus (available from ASDA). It is a medicated barrier cream, which is very effective. It has no side effects and is very good on babies!
Reply:Try this source for eczema information and treatment options.

Have you ever heard of....................?

have you ever heard of the skin condition "knuckle pads"

do you know anyone with this disorder????

any knowledge would be appreciated.


Have you ever heard of....................?
Yes, I work in dermatology and have for about 10 years and here is some info for you it is also known as PRURIGO NODULARIS, we treat it with topical steriods and sometimes a cortisone injection depending on how bothersome it is for you.

Most knuckle pads are idiopathic or are related to repetitive trauma. Work-related trauma with repeated motions or rubbing of the PIP joints or knuckles, as seen in live-chicken hangers in a poultry processing plant, has been reported. Athletes, such as boxers, have been known to traumatize their knuckles and fingers in a repetitive fashion, causing knuckle pads. Surfers have developed "surfer's knots" from repeated friction between the surfboard and the body part exposed to the repeated trauma. A few cases involving the toes have been reported; these cases were thought to be sequelae of ill-fitting shoes. Also known in people who suffer from bulimia from constantly putting their fingers down their throats and their knuckles scraping their teeth.

Psychologically disturbed children who bite and suck their fingers cause thickenings that resemble knuckle pads to occur in the skin in the traumatized areas. Patients with bulimia who use their knuckles or fingers to induce emesis sometimes develop fibrotic papules resembling knuckle pads.

Some cases of knuckle pads are familial. They have been associated with the autosomal dominant palmoplantar keratoderma with and without ichthyosis vulgaris. Knuckle pads were found in 2 families with autosomal dominant sensorineural deafness and leukonychia (Bart-Pumphrey syndrome). Knuckle pads also have been reported in pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Dupuytren and Peyronie diseases and Ledderhose disease are at times observed together, and the triad may be associated with knuckle pads. Knuckle pads also have been associated with esophageal cancer, hyperkeratosis, and oral leukoplakia. One case report links phenytoin with polyfibromatous syndrome.


Is it legal?

My dog has a skin condition and my vet reccomended that I we see a dermatologist. They were supposed to fax all my dogs medical records over to the dermatology clinic. I called the dermatology clinic to confirm that they had gotten all the paper work and they hadnt. So, i called my vet asking them to re-fax the information and to fax it to me also. At which point they informed me that they dont fax the complete medical records to clients but only to ther vets. I asked, WHY? What do you send to the vets that you dont send to the clinets?they told me that they dont send the vets notes to the client only the basic information and that its their policy, because they dont want cleints confusing things, and going on thr internet and trying to look up the information themselves etc. Is this legal? Should I be able to get all the information about my dog's medical records if i request it? Has anyone come across the same problem?

Is it legal?
No never thought about it, but, I would remind the vet who's paying the bill, and that you want all the information, for even though you may go on the internet, which by the way is none of their business, it's to learn how to better take care of your dog. If this doesn't get through to her, then ask to talk to the vet, and let him know that you do not appreciate some employee telling you what you can and cannot receive as to the care of your dog. They may charge you for the information to defray the cost, most medical care facilities do this.
Reply:go to the vets in person and ask for YOUR RECORDS if they say no,,, tell them you will contact a lawyer,,, these are your dogs records and you have every right to copies of them.... be persistent then change vets as the owner have all right to those records...if they won't fax them to you..then tell them you will be stopping by to get copies
Reply:Wow!!! Sorry but my vet gave a copies of everything when we where going away for a few months just in case we needed it and his notes where there on the copys!! I would find a different vet or call a few others and ask what they do!!
Reply:the records belong to your vet...they are their property that happen to be about your dog....If you request copies of your records they should do it though, they may have a charge for the copies though.....good luck....
Reply:The records belong to you just like your medical records.You paid for them.If you request ALL of them by law they should have to give them to you.

Peapod, If you work in med. DR. office , you best go ask doctor...The records belong to the patient. As well as x-rays ect. The patient pays for the service not the DR.
Reply:Yes it is legal not to fax them to you. You do however have the right to go (in person) and ask for a complete copy of your pets medical records. They MUST provide them to you unaltered (except payment history and/or personal remarks about YOU).

They do have the right to:

1. Make you sign a release.

2. Ask you to return for them at a later time.

3. Ask you to pay a per-copy fee.

Hope this helps.
Reply:People Drs. don't allow you to see their notes either.Never have.

Guess it's because they may write nasty comments about us in them to vent.If you really knew what your Dr. thought of you personally would you want to pay the bill?

I imagine vets are no different.

But as far as their notes being faxed it's doubtful that part of your dogs records would be sent anyway.Just his treatment record and such.

Does anyone know where(if it's still being made) I can buy this soap?

It's called Kutie Q (I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling of it or not); my aunt told me that we(my family) have a certain skin condition that can be cured by using this stuff. It has a foul odor; I hope someone can help me with this.

Does anyone know where(if it's still being made) I can buy this soap?
Sounds like a pine tar soap to me. You can google it--I know a lot of handcrafters who sell it. Here is a link to an ebay auction:
Reply:Foul odor?

Look for soaps that contain sulphur. It has a foul odor but is very effective for various skin conditions. Best to go to a pharmacy. If they do not sell any, go to a chinese drugstore.

All the best.
Reply:is that coal tar soap? maybe try a local chemist shop
Reply:If you can't find it at your local pharmacy check the Internet.

Has anyone used the obagi nu derm peel?

i'm asking because i was told by a dermatologist that would be my best option for my skin condition..

however she would not tell me the cost for it without me doing a consultation first.

has anyone ever used the blue peel and what each treatment costed u? what were your results and would you recommend it

any input would help... especially price


Has anyone used the obagi nu derm peel?
no sorry