Saturday, April 24, 2010

What are the signs of excema and how can u prevent it...?

exema[ wrong spelling know the dry skin condition.]

What are the signs of excema and how can u prevent it...?
Something which triggers excema can be perfumes and detergents. One way to prevent it is to use hypoallegenic skin care products and washing powders if you feel you may be at all allergic to the perfumes and surfactants...

I had excema on my hands, at one point it was really bad. I had always been slightly allergic to washing up liquid (it would make may hands slightly dry, but nothing serious) and then one day I used a carpet cleaner (without gloves) and it triggered years of really unpleasant excema. By avoiding all perfumed bath products (and being absolutely strict about this) and using a brand of washing up powder for sensitive skin (Filetti) I managed to slowly control it. Now it has gone completely, no trace whatsoever, but it did take me years (although the condition improved a great deal after six months). It worked for me, so, I should imagine, it would work for others.
Reply:look here:
Reply:you will have dry patches on your skin. it doesnt have to be all over either. it could be different spots spread out. they are dry and itchy. a skin dr will put yuo on medicatiosn to keep it under control. try not to itch as it will make matters worse. see dr. if you think you have it. it is very common but can be frustrating.
Reply:There are several forms of eczema, you should really see a Doctor for itchy, flaky, sore skin patches. If this is not the answer you were looking for try a good quality un-perfumed moisturiser. If this does not work then you need to see a GP for a steroid based cream which will sort it out within days.
Reply:your skin will be dry and itchy and red.. try not to scratch it as it makes it weep and spread (i know i have it) try washing powders like fairy and unscented soaps. Oilatum bath elmoluem is a great help too also E45 aniitch cream.. if this fails then go to the doctors and they might prescribe some steroid creams. (betnovate)

hope this helps

Reply:Exema (I dunno how to spell it either) is really dry skin. I have it. Basically, moisturize after showers etc, get yourself a good skin care routine, don't wash with just water - you know in the morning, when you splash water over your face to clean it? Make sure you moisturize after that, otherwise it dries your skin out. Once you've got it, it's a lifetime thing, it comes and goes. But it's easy to control. Well. Mine is. Just make sure you moisturise and protect your skin, especially in the sun, on holiday etc.
Reply:generally dry and itchy skin is a sure sign of excema (sp?)

Cant help with a preventive but generally a doctor wil give you a steriod cream to clear it up.... there are different sorts of this problem too
Reply:Well you know what it is!

I swear by SkinSure Plus (available from ASDA). It is a medicated barrier cream, which is very effective. It has no side effects and is very good on babies!
Reply:Try this source for eczema information and treatment options.

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