Saturday, April 24, 2010

Does anyone know anything about hives?

I have had this skin condition ever since I was 11. I have tried everything. Dermatologists and Allergy experts have still to find what I'm allergic to. Does anyone else have it?

Does anyone know anything about hives?
Hi Caylan

Here is info you requested and how to get rid of them.


The most common cause of hives is a histamine reaction that is triggered by allergies, especially to certain foods, such as strawberries, fish, shellfish, peanuts, soy, beef, citrus fruits, milk, and eggs. Drugs such as penicillin and exposure to chemicals, including those in common household products such as laundry soap, can also cause hives. To ensure long-term relief from hives, such factors must be screened for and addressed.


Natural Cures

Aromatherapy: Chamomile essential oil applied topically can help relieve symptoms.

Diet: Identify and avoid all foods to which you are allergic or sensitive. To minimize the occurrence of hives, eat a varied diet and avoid eating the same foods more than more than once or twice each week.

Flower Essences: Rescue Remedy Cream® applied topically can also help.

Herbs: Drink parsley or peppermint teas. Peppermint oil taken orally can also help.

Homeopathy: The homeopathic remedies Apis mel., Nat mur., and Urtica Urens. are all useful for treating and preventing hives.

Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment. I suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments.

*Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water, offers clear instructions and recommendations.

Nutritional Supplementation: Hydrochloric acid secretions in the stomach are usually low in people with hives. Vitamin B complex deficiency is also common among hives patients. Therefore, supplementing with betaine hydrochloric acid (HCL) and vitamin B complex is highly recommended. Pancreatic enzymes taken three to four times daily on empty stomach, especially during the initial attack of hives, is also helpful, as are bromelain and vitamin C (also taken away from meals).

During a hives outbreak, take two tablets of bicarbonate soda in water, and sip every 15 minutes until symptoms ease.

To prevent a recurrence of hives, supplement with bioflavonoids and pantothenic acid, vitamin B complex, vitamin B6, and essential fatty acids.

Topical Treatment: To the affected area, apply a mix of calamine lotion with beta carotene liquid, or a vitamin A capsule squeezed together with zinc oxide. If neither of these remedies is available, applying plain unflavored yogurt to the affected area might also help ease symptoms.

Fresh coriander juice applied topically can also help relieve itchiness and inflammation.

Best of health to you

Reply:have you tried hydrocortizone cream? It works wonders on just about anything.
Reply:stress causes hives - are there any unresolved issues that you aren't dealing with that are upsetting you? I knew a girl that had them all the time while dealing with her family problems/situation at home.
Reply:that you only get them from picking your ***
Reply:Hives is an exaggerated immune response to a particular allergen. This is typically treated with some sort of corticosteroid. You need to journal your day:

What you ate

What you did

Where you were

What you wore

Then over a period of 3 months, submit this journal to your doctor so that he can then begin to isolate the allergen. A serological test can test for high amounts of allergens in your system too.
Reply:Yes, my sister gets hives, but only when she's nervous, or when she has a very busy schedule. Most people I know that get them just will take a couple Benadryl before they go to bed, and when they get up they are 100% better. Good luck with yours. It's more than likely nothing serious.
Reply:Hey maybe you are not allergic to anything. Hives is your body's response to numerous types of actions within your body. We doctors refer to it as urticaria. Urticara is a condition in which your body is respdnding to a reaction within your body. Not everybody gets hibes from Urticara though. It is usually surrounded by an area of redness called a flare. Hives can vary in size from a few millimeters to giant hives covering a whole extremity. Hives result from dilation of capillaries allowing fluid to leak out into the surrounding tissue of skin. Pressing on a hive causes the skin to blanch distinguishing it from a bruise.

Hives occur in response to a complicated chain of events that leads to the release of a chemical called histamine into the skin. Histamine is located in certain white blood cells called mast cells, which are most abundant in the skin around capillaries. If properly triggered, these mast cells release granules of chemicals, the most powerful of which is histamine. Histamine causes the cells making up the blood vessels to contract allowing fluid to leak out of the blood vessel. Red blood cells are too large to leak out of these "holes". Injecting histamine into the skin causes a triple response of redness, leaking of fluid producing a hive, and the flare or redness around the hive.

But hives can form on your skin from numerous things for example, physical activeness, sex, pressure on your skin causes hives.

You can get hives from suddenly rubbing your skin, after exercising, people whi have anaphylaxis develop hives, you can get hives from a sudden drop of temperater or cold weather, you can get hives from the sun, you can get hives from warmth or heat, but is very rare; you can get hives from water and vibration as well; also very rare.

Im sure you've heard of Clearitin, Allegra D, benedryl, ect. All anti-histamines that can help with these reactions in your body. So you really might not be allergic to anything, just find out what is causing it.

Good luck to you.

Reply:i've had hives my whole life also. get used to it. allergy meds, strong steroid creams, and oatmeal baths. when you break out ice works mericals. it cools the skin and gets rid of the hives. do you have allergy covers over your pillows and matresses? that is the 1st place to start if you haen't don that already
Reply:i just had a bad breakout of hives in july.and it was miserable.and hot outside.nothing worked till i went to my doctor and he put me on predsone for 5 worked!!!

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