Saturday, April 24, 2010

Poll Anybody want a drink.?

An Indonesian maid was jailed in Hong Kong for serving up a cup of water containing URINE to her employer. He noticed the smell called her in and told HER to drink it SHE DID it was claimed in court that she was using the liquid as a curative for a skin condition.. Still want that drink.?

Poll Anybody want a drink.?
Yes please, I'm parched.
Reply:I want a Dr. Pepper
Reply:not me
Reply:Yummy. Not. So, who had the skin condition? Sure are some crazy beliefs out there?
Reply:Oh no. You've put me off now! x x
Reply:Yes I am still thirsty!

Maybe she really was trying to help the guy. A lot of people are not open minded to natural remedies so she probably felt she couldn't tell him what she was doing for him. I know I wouldn't drink it knowingly, but if it would help me medically then I would appreciate someone tricking me into doing it (hopefully I would never find out, eeewww).
Reply:It was done in Blackadder 2 as a 'fine wine from the far lands' as a present to Melchett. Of course they never let on...
Reply:just get me a beer please
Reply:Yeah as long as it has a drop of vodka in it lmao!!!!!
Reply:Uweeeeeee, yuck, dont think ill wanna drink again, some pee..ple are so sick, lol

Reply:I'll have to pass on that one but thanks for offering :)

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