Monday, November 16, 2009

Plz help how do i stop my self from being insecure?

i used 2 love myself when i wos younger scince then ive developed a bit of a skin condition which caauses me to get spots on my face and i hate it i always think people are watchin me because they think im ugly and it realy bothers me my bf is aware of this and does always compliment the way i look but i neva belive him its so serious iactually started crying 2day while we were driving as we pulled up sum traffic lights cudent help notice a guy on the left of me looking and laughing plz help me why am i like this, and how can i stop feeling this way?

Plz help how do i stop my self from being insecure?
When you feel insecure to the point that you think someone in the car next to you is laughing at you (there could be several other explanations for his laughing, of course), then it's pretty difficult to just stop feeling that way. It's not merely a matter of will power. In fact, according to neuroscientist, each time that you interpret an event as evidence that you are less than worthy, your brain establish yet more neurons that carry that message and generate that feeling and its attendent behaviors (crying or shrinking away) and fewer neurons that carry the opposite message and attendent behavior through your brain. In other words, it becomes harder with each experience where you feel insecure to break that pattern of thiniking on your own. Another way to think about your insecurity is that some part of you is insisting to you that you are ugly. Until you can figure out what that part of you is responding to and is supposed to do for you (That's not really as crazy as it sounds. Most people get in their own way at some point in their lives to protect them from a real or imagined stress.), that part of you will continue to translate events in your life as clear evidence that you are unattractive and unworthy. In fact, those spots on your face may even be influenced by your insecurity and view of yourself as ugly. If you're not able to talk yourself out of your insecurity, I suggest you seek counselling that focuses on trying to help you identify what happened between when you were younger and felt more secure and now that changed your perception of yourself. Such counselling can then help you re-work your understanding of that event or events which will allow you to feel better about yourself again.
Reply:who cares what people say about u and that guy was a jerk...your bf loves u just the way you are and u should love youself just as much.. You should always feel beautiful inside and out even if nobody else thinks so... Who cares what that guy think he dosent mean anything 2 u so it shount bother u... You should have high self-esteem about yourself at all times because if you think of your self low then you are giving other people the benefit of the doubt 2 do so... You should always walk with your head held high and love yourself for who u are and it dosent matta what other people think of you because people are always going 2 talk....
Reply:The only person that can stop you from being insecure is YOU!

You are not just your are so much more than that. Please focus on the things that make you uniquely you and reflect on those when you are feeling down.

Quite often people who point out the flaws of others are looking to cover up the flaws that are inside of them.

IF they are making fun of you it is probably because they themselves are insecure.

Further, your boyfriend loves you for YOU. he sees you as a complete person inside and out.

I dont know what yoru condition is or what causes it but maybe a dermatologist could be of assistance

and you might need to talk to a few of them before you find an answer that is helpful.

You might also consider some studio quality makeup

It might help to hide the spots. YOu wont find this at the counter at Macy's so you would have to special order it but it can be had.

best of luck to you
Reply:my sister went through this and im just going to tell you flat out, God is the only one who can make you feel better. Go to him and tell him how you feel as if he were right there with you ( because he is) he sees your hurt and is just waiting on you to come to him and have faith and trust in him to stop the hurting. he will wipe away your tears and mend your broken heart. God did not make ugly people. God bless you. im praying for you.

Have you gone to a dermatologist or aromatherapist. Many skin conditions can be caused by stress. It can also be products with to much oil. You might need a facial. The best thing for pimps or spots is to put sun block on them. Make sure the sun block is oil free. It might help to check out with a nutritionist if what you are eating isn't an addition cause factor in the production of fat.

The best way to lift up your spirit is to do something you really enjoy doing with out fear of being hurt. How to bust your confidence stop giving others the satisfaction of seeing you feel uncomfortable, if people laugh laugh with them and point out something that makes them uncomfortable they will soon see that it hurts=. Everyone has an insecurity. You are not the only one so don't feel bad. Think about it this way you are alive, don't have a terminal illness and you have friends. Plus, you can pretend to be a panther and play with kids. Don't see the negatives focus on your positive attributes. Love,Gobbers
Reply:The brutal reality is that you must wait for your skin disorder to subside. I will get to "if it doesn't" in a second.

Your boyfriend is great for sticking around. I am sure this is very difficult for him as it is for you. But you're going to make it overwhelming for him. If he sees that you can't even cope with your condition, what makes you think he'll be able to?

If your condition does not subside:

The truth is: People may be mean to you. People may laugh at you. You have to learn to just accept that. The brutal truth is that there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it.

I noticed you said "you use to love yourself when you were younger." Thats another no-no.

You have to learn how to RE-love yourself with this condition. Your boyfriend has been trying to, but you're making it hard for him. Most of all, your making it hard for yourself.

Just take it one day at a time. Yes, you have already been taking it one day at a time, but not in the right direction. Remap your path sweety. Because you are letting this skin disease beat your ***. You are letting it kill your spirit. The disorder may have attacked your skin, but don't let it attack your spirit. Don't let it attack your soul. Stop asking yourself why. And just accept it.

Like I said, remap your path sweety. That also consists of living with this disease instead of wishing to live without it because thats not a reality right now. By doing so, you are making your spirit weak. You could potentially create other sicknesses for youself. And you will die with the disease mentally. Its kinda like the expression "Dead man Walking" Revive yourself mentally honey. Your spirit needs that from you. Stop giving this disease so much power in your life because you're letting it take the life and spark away from you. Live with your condition internally despite what happens.

I know these are hard words to swallow. But these words will save your life on the inside if you apply them, I promise.

Don't let this disorder define you. Is this how you want to remember your past? By the disease? You want the disease to be the only thing from your past that you have memories of? Make new memories. Do things you've never done.

Reinvent, re-love and re-find yourself. Apply my words and you will find inner-happiness. If you don't have anything else, atlease give yourself that. Don't let some laughing idiot or other silly person to take that away from you. Your soul needs that from you.

You are in my thoughts. And check with your doctor regularly.

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