Monday, November 16, 2009

What causes Hidradentis and would a complete detoxification help?

Also, during flareups, he has fever and sleeps alot. This happens before the boil(s) appear. They are underneath armpits and in groin area. He has many scars around his waist area from years of dealing with this terrible skin condition. I feel bad for the person. I just need some advice to give him.

What causes Hidradentis and would a complete detoxification help?
No-one is really sure of the cause of Hidradentis but they do know about a number of commonalities between those people who get is and some theories as to what causes it:

Hidradenitis suppurativa develops when the oil glands and hair follicle openings become blocked. When oils and other skin products become trapped, they push into surrounding tissue. Bacteria can then trigger infection and inflammation. It's not known why this occurs, but a number of factors — including hormones, genetics, cigarette smoking and excess weight — may all play a role.

Sometimes hidradenitis suppurativa occurs with other diseases, such as Crohn's disease, herpes simplex or Grave's disease.

As they are not completely sure why this condition occurs there are a range of treatments. Dietary changes work for some people so I cant see that if you do a proper safe form of detox that it will do any harm.

Here is a foundation that is dedicated to this disease and should be able to give you support and some ideas for treatment.

Here's some reading for you as well to give you a better understanding of the condition:
Reply:Hidradenitis suppurativa or HS is a skin disease that affects areas bearing apocrine sweat glands and hair follicles; such as the underarms, groin and buttocks, and under the breasts in women

[edit] Overview

The disease manifests as clusters of chronic abscesses or boils, sometimes as large as baseballs, that are extremely painful to the touch and may persist for years with occasional to frequent periods of inflammation, culminating in drainage of pus, often leaving open wounds that will not heal. Drainage provides some relief from severe, often debilitating, pressure pain. Flare-ups may be triggered by stress, hormonal changes (such as monthly cycles in women), humid heat, and clothing friction. Persistent lesions may lead to scarring and the formation of sinus tracts, or tunnels connecting the abscesses under the skin. At this stage, complete healing is usually not possible, and progression varies from person to person, with some experiencing remission anywhere from months to years at a time, others may worsen and require surgery in order to live comfortably. Occurrences of bacterial infections and cellulitis (deep tissue inflammation) may occur at these sites. HS pain can be difficult to manage. [1]

HS often goes undiagnosed for years because patients are too ashamed to speak with anyone.[2] When they do see a doctor, the disease is frequently misdiagnosed or prescribed treatments are ineffective, temporary and sometimes even harmful. There is no known cure nor any consistently effective treatment. Carbon dioxide laser surgery is currently considered the last resort for those who have advanced to its highest stage, where the affected areas are excised, and the skin is grafted. Surgery doesn't always alleviate the condition, however, and can be very expensive.

It is possible that there is genetic predisposition to the disease. (Gao, et al., 2006) HS is not contagious, and isn't affected nor caused by good or bad hygiene. HS is often called an 'orphan illness', due to little research being conducted on the disease at this time. Because HS is considered a rare disease, its incidence rate is not well known, but has been estimated as being between 1:24 (4.1%) and 1:600 (0.2%).[3]

[edit] Other names for HS

Hidradenitis suppurativa has been referred to by multiple names in the literature, as well as in various cultures. Some of these are also used to describe different diseases, or specific instances of this disease. [4]

Acne conglobata - not really a synonym - this is a similar process but in classic acne areas of chest and back

Acne Inversa (AI) - a new term (Plewig and others) struggling for acceptance

Apocrine Acne - a misnomer, out-dated, based on the disproven concept that apocrine glands are primarily involved

Apocrinitis - another misnomer, out-dated, based on the disproven concept that apocrine glands are primarily involved

Fox-den disease - a catchy term not used in medical literature, based on the deep fox den / burrow - like sinuses

Hidradenitis Supportiva - a misspelling

Pyodermia sinifica fistulans - an older term, considered archaic now, misspelled here

Velpeau's disease - commemorating the French surgeon who first described the disease in 1833

Verneuil's disease - recognizing the French surgeon whose name is most often associated with the disorder as a result of his 1854-1865 studies

[edit] Stages

HS presents itself in three stages.[5][6]

Solitary or multiple isolated abscess formation without scarring or sinus tracts. (A few minor sites with rare inflammation; may be mistaken for acne.)

Recurrent abscesses, single or multiple widely separated lesions, with sinus tract formation. (Frequent inflammations restrict movement and may require minor surgery such as incision and drainage.)

Diffuse or broad involvement across a regional area with multiple interconnected sinus tracts and abscesses. (Inflammation of sites to the size of golf balls, or sometimes baseballs; scarring develops, including subcutaneous tracts of infection - see fistula. Obviously, patients at this stage may be unable to function.)

[edit] Causes

As this disease is poorly studied, the causes are controversial and experts disagree. However, potential indicators include:


females are more likely than males

genetic predisposition

plugged apocrine (sweat) gland or hair follicle

excessive sweating

bacterial infection

sometimes linked with other auto-immune conditions

androgen dysfunction

genetic disorders that alter cell structure

The historical understanding of the disease is that there is a misfunction in either the apocrine glands [7] or hair folliciles [8], possibly triggered by a blocked gland, creating inflammation, pain, and a swollen lesion. More recent studies imply there is an autoimmune component.[citation needed] HS is not caused by any bacterial infection -- any infection is secondary. Most cultures done on HS lesions come back negative for bacteria, so antibiotics should be used only when a bacterial infection has been confirmed by a physician.[citation needed][9]

Hidradenitis suppurativa is NOT contagious!

[edit] Severe complications

Left undiscovered, undiagnosed, or untreated, the fistulas from severe stage-3 HS can lead to the development of squamous cell carcinoma in the anus or other affected areas. (Talmont, et al., 2005; Short, et al., 2005)

[edit] Treatments

Treatments may vary depending upon presentation and severity of the disease. Due to the poorly-studied nature of this disease, the effectiveness of the drugs and therapies listed below is not yet clear, and patients should discuss all options with their doctor or dermatologist. A list of treatments that are effective for some patients is as follows.

changes in diet

warm compresses, baths (to induce drainage)

intralesional corticosteroid injections (to reduce inflammation)

incision and drainage or lancing

oral antibiotics (to treat inflammation and bacterial infection)

isotretinoin (Accutane®), a prescription-only oral acne treatment (benefits for HS are very controversial)

wide local excision (with or without skin grafting), or laser surgery


anti-androgen therapy

sub-cutaneous injection or IV infusion of anti-inflammatory (anti-TNF-alpha) drugs such as infliximab (Remicade®)and etanercept (Enbrel®). This use of the drugs is not currently Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved and is somewhat controversial, and therefore may not be covered by insurance.


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